

開発記録 200219 Wed (100本ノック #070, 機械学習データの整形)

第7章 後半はちょっと後回しにすることにしまして、第8章。今回は機械学習に使うデータの整形をしました。

最近、メモアプリの ”Bear” を使い始めた。オシャレでシンプルで使いやすそうだし、マークダウンで書けるのが良さそうかなと思った。 でもはてなブログと違って目次を自動で付けられないのがちょっと不便。 「Bear メモ 目次」ってググったら、ブログそのものの目次ばかりが検索にかかってしまい、目次のつけ方が分からなかった。できないのかも。知ってる方いてはったら教えてください。

言語処理100本ノック #070

言語処理100本ノック 2015

第8章: 機械学習

本章では,Bo Pang氏とLillian Lee氏が公開している Movie Review Datasentence polarity dataset v1.0 を用い,文を肯定的(ポジティブ)もしくは否定的(ネガティブ)に分類するタスク(極性分析)に取り組む.


70. データの入手・整形

文に関する極性分析の正解データ を用い,以下の要領で正解データ(sentiment.txt)を作成せよ. 1. rt-polarity.posの各行の先頭に”+1 “という文字列を追加する(極性ラベル”+1”とスペースに続けて肯定的な文の内容が続く) 2. rt-polarity.negの各行の先頭に”-1 “という文字列を追加する(極性ラベル”-1”とスペースに続けて否定的な文の内容が続く) 3. 上述1と2の内容を結合(concatenate)し,行をランダムに並び替える



調べたことメモ:Unicode じゃない文字が混ざっている

pythonutf-8 で読もうとしたらエラーが出た。

UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0xf3 in position 4645: invalid continuation byte

というのは、どうやら Unicode じゃない文字が混ざっているためっぽい。

# rt-polaritydata/rt-polaritydata/rt-polarity.pos 
# 44行目
'compleja e intelectualmente retadora , el ladr�n de orqu�deas es uno de esos filmes que vale la pena ver precisamente por su originalidad . '


Unicode じゃない文字を読み飛ばすために、codecs をインポートして使う。 参考 👉 Python 3でファイル読み込み時のUnicodeDecodeErrorを回避する - kumilog.net


参考 👉 Pythonでリストの要素をランダムソート(シャッフル) | note.nkmk.me

import random


# knock_070.py
import codecs
import random

POSFILE = ‘./rt-polaritydata/rt-polaritydata/rt-polarity.pos’
NEGFILE = ‘./rt-polaritydata/rt-polaritydata/rt-polarity.neg’
OUTFILE = ‘./sentiment.txt’

def add_label(file, chars):
    with codecs.open(file, ‘r’, ‘utf-8’, ‘ignore’) as fr:
        out_list = []
        for line in fr:
            out_list.append(chars+’ ‘+line)
    return out_list

def get_sentiment_list():
    concatenated = add_label(POSFILE, ‘+1’) + add_label(NEGFILE, ‘-1’)
    return concatenated

def count_posneg(file):
    pos = 0
    neg = 0
    with open(file, ‘r’, encoding=‘utf-8’) as fr:
        for line in fr:
            if line.split(‘ ‘)[0] == ‘+1’:
                pos +=1
                neg +=1
    return (pos, neg)

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
    sentiment_list = get_sentiment_list()
    with open(OUTFILE, ‘w’) as fw:

    posneg = count_posneg(OUTFILE)
    print(‘pos count =‘, posneg[0])
    print(‘neg count =‘, posneg[1])


$ python knock_070.py
pos count = 5331
neg count = 5331
#sentiment.txt 20行目まで
-1 it shares the first two films' loose-jointed structure , but laugh-out-loud bits are few and far between . 
-1 shot perhaps 'artistically' with handheld cameras and apparently no movie lights by joaquin baca-asay , the low-budget production swings annoyingly between vertigo and opacity . 
-1 the result is an 'action film' mired in stasis . 
-1 the characters are based on stock clichs , and the attempt to complicate the story only defies credibility . 
+1 has enough gun battles and throwaway humor to cover up the yawning chasm where the plot should be . 
-1 the beautiful , unusual music is this film's chief draw , but its dreaminess may lull you to sleep . 
+1 a good thriller . 
-1 it's a bad sign in a thriller when you instantly know whodunit . 
+1 the sundance film festival has become so buzz-obsessed that fans and producers descend upon utah each january to ferret out the next great thing . 'tadpole' was one of the films so declared this year , but it's really more of the next pretty good thing . 
-1 woody , what happened ? 
-1 does anyone much think the central story of brendan behan is that he was a bisexual sweetheart before he took to drink ? 
-1 get out your pooper-scoopers . 
-1 fails to bring as much to the table . 
+1 a distant , even sterile , yet compulsively watchable look at the sordid life of hogan's heroes star bob crane . 
+1 macdowell . . . gives give a solid , anguished performance that eclipses nearly everything else she's ever done . 
+1 an enchanting spectacular for potter fans anxious to ride the hogwarts express toward a new year of magic and mischief . 
-1 more successful at relating history than in creating an emotionally complex , dramatically satisfying heroine
+1 a very capable nailbiter . 
+1  . . . a story we haven't seen on the big screen before , and it's a story that we as americans , and human beings , should know . 
-1 i can take infantile humor . . . but this is the sort of infantile that makes you wonder about changing the director and writer's diapers .